Connect today to learn about our FREE TWO WEEK TRIAL and

creating a plan customized to YOU.

We guarantee you'll enjoy your workouts and have more energy throughout the day, without punishing exercises you don't enjoy that put you at risk for injury.

We'll show you exactly what to do to get results and how to stick with it so those results last.




Most fitness programs provide little to no guidance on how to do exercises safely and correctly, or how to get results for your unique body. We’ll meet for a Success Session to create a realistic path to your goals.


No one at the big box gym cares if you never show up. Being accountable is key to staying with it when things get tough. You can’t do it alone. Our mission is to get you to show up every time.


Whether it's a smile as you walk in the door or a high-five after a good workout, having support matters. The right program will not only change your physical life, but also improve your emotional life.

This Is For You If You've Struggled To…

  • Lose unwanted pounds that slowly crept on and won't budge

  • Have more energy to tackle the day, every day

  • Sleep better so you feel recharged in the morning

  • Feel more confident in how you look and perform

  • Have a routine you actually enjoy and look forward to

  • Build a healthier lifestyle that will add years to your lifestuff



Laura W.

Steven H.

Maria N.

Emily H.

Brandy W.

Jessica S.

We know you want to change, but might be stuck on where to start.

Traditional gyms with their treadmills and machines aren’t working. You aren’t sure exactly what exercises to do, how often, how heavy, how many reps ... it’s overwhelming.

Plus the last thing you want to do is get hurt trying to work out and using bad form.

On top of that, commercial gyms can be crowded. You don’t like having to deal with people hogging equipment and you might be self-conscious about your lack of experience in the gym.

We know you’re busy so getting to the gym alone is tough, aside from not knowing what to do once you’re there.

The thought of battling the crowds then trying to plan a workout is exhausting.

What if you could improve your health, feel better, have more energy and fit back into your smaller clothes, without having to go to a crowded gym, struggle knowing what to do, or fear of getting hurt?

That would be pretty awesome, right?

Our Small Group Training has helped hundreds of people do just that.

At Fitness Evolution, our goal is to help our clients move well, build stability and get strong. We want you to be able to live a long, full and happy life, and that means taking care of your body and exercising regularly.

We know a gym setting can be intimidating, and doing it alone is a recipe for failure. You don’t need a bunch of confusing equipment - you need support. That means a knowledgeable coach to tell you exactly what exercises to do, how to do them, where you should be feeling the movement and why this is important.

Our Small Group Training is like a 1:1 session with a certified Personal Trainer that you’re sharing with a few other friendly, energetic and non-competitive people who are just like you.

We are there every step of the way to make sure your form is correct, you know what exercises to do and for how long, what weights to use, and to keep you from getting hurt.

You get a safe, effective and personalized workout all while sweating alongside your supportive community, which makes working out more fun!

No need to worry about being inexperienced or out of shape. We work with people in all stages of life and because the workout is customized to you - we’ll never give you an exercise that is too difficult or worse - dangerous!

We meet you where you are and help you improve a little bit each week so you’re challenged in a way that makes you want to come back for more.

Schedule your FREE 2 week trial today and see if this is the solution you’ve been looking for.

Get Started on Your Fitness Journey

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